For an update on bargaining and run-down of last week’s bargaining session, a new issue of At the Table is available for your information! See also Hugh Stimson’s most recent liveblogging from the bargaining room last week.  As the newsletter notes, we are in the FINAL COUNTDOWN to our contract expiration date (March 1, 2008). That means that it’s super-important that YOU get involved NOW in GEO!!! You can do this with any (hopefully all) of the following activities happening this week:

MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Wednesday, February 20, 7 pm @ Rackham Amphitheater, 4th floor. We will be discussing possible job actions, discussing and voting on our strike platform, and voting on a short-term extension for our contract so that we can keep negotiating past March 1. This is the time to come learn about how bargaining is going, discuss with your fellow union members what your priorities are, and really have an impact on the future of GEO.

GRADE-IN FOR VISIBILITIY: Wednesday, February 20, 12:30-3:30, ground floor Haven Hall (near the posting wall). Make a visible statement that shows GEO’s strength and labor power to the university community! Contact Kathleen Tipler ( to sign up for a shift or for more information.

BARGAINING SESSION: Thursday, February 21, 11-4, Great Lakes Room of Palmer Commons.  Our attendance shows the administration that we are serious about the proposals we’ve put forward for our next contract – stop by and stay for as little or as long as you can!



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