For the most frequent updates, follow GEO on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.)

Effective at 12:00am on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, GEO membership has authorized a strike for a safe and just campus for all. Please follow our social media for more frequent updates!

If you are a U-M graduate student and/or GEO member, please check your email for more information from GEO ( to ensure you receive our emails) and from your department stewards; please email with any questions.

What are we striking for?

GEO is striking for a safe and just campus for ALL of us. You can read our full demands here or at .

If you are an undergraduate student, you can learn more about how the strike affects you and your role at .

How can you pitch in?

  1. Don’t cross the picket line: Withhold your academic labor, either as a GSI/GSSA or in solidarity. This includes teaching class, attending class, performing research, and more. (Please note that attending #ScholarStrike teach-ins or other events is not crossing the picket line!)
  2. Join a picket line – either physically distanced in-person, or virtual. All are welcome! Sign up at
  3. Join our daily virtual teach-ins from 12-1pm at


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