The members of the Graduate Employees’ Organization express our support for the resolution brought to City […]
ANN ARBOR, Mich– Friday, November 17, 2023— During the Global Day of Action for Palestine on Friday, the University of Michigan police arrested 40 students protesting against the University’s role in supporting Israel's genocide in Gaza. The students, who represent a broad multicultural coalition of over 55 campus organizations, sat in University President Santa Ono’s office for 6-hours. They were there to request a meeting to demand that the university divest its endowment, worth $17.9 billion — the ninth largest in the U.S. and one of the largest in the world — of companies profiting from Israel's ongoing crimes against humanity, such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing. For the last month, they had been exhausting every possible administrative option for scheduling this meeting with Ono, and have been repeatedly ignored and dismissed. 
October 13, 2023 After the apartheid wall separating Gaza from occupied Palestinian land was breached, we’ve […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Graduate Employees’ Organization 3550 August 29, 2023 ANN ARBOR—Members of the […]
On August 25th, GEO members voted to ratify our new contract, with 97% voting for ratification. This officially ends GEO's historic, 146-day strike for affordability and dignity. The 9-month campaign involved thousands of workers at every step of the way: from the platform development process, to the fight for open bargaining, to the strike, and the final weeks of discussion around the settlement. It was this deep, democratic process, which went beyond mere voting, that led to the strong feelings of unity and consensus throughout the campaign, typified in the overwhelming strike vote and now the overwhelming vote for ratification.
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