On August 4th, 2020, the Democratic party will be holding its primary for Ann Arbor City Council Candidates (among others). Because the primary winners will all but certainly go on to win the election in November, this primary is the de facto election. Because Ann Arbor City Council’s policies have such a big impact on the lives of our members, GEO’s Solidarity and Political Action Committee (SPAC) has led a candidate endorsement process.

Below are the results of GEO’s endorsements for Ann Arbor City Council, selected by a majority vote of GEO members.

During our last contract campaign, members demonstrated a strong desire for a more affordable and environmentally friendly life in Ann Arbor. Issues like the exorbitant cost of housing, public transit, climate change, childcare, and defunding the police are clear priorities for many GEO members. Electing a City Council that shares these goals is one step towards achieving them. We hope you will vote in the August 4th primary if you are eligible, and encourage you to register to vote safely by absentee ballot; you can register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot in the primary here.

GEO Endorsements in the August 4th Ann Arbor City Council Democratic Primary

Ward 1: GEO members have voted to endorse Lisa Disch for Ward 1. Disch has strong connections to organized labor, and is firmly committed to environmental justice, comprehensive police reform, and housing affordability. She has an excellent toolbox of practical policies to improve living conditions in the city, and is committed to supporting tenants’ rights.

Ward 2: GEO members have voted to endorse Linh Song in the Ward 2 race. Song has shown a clear commitment to GEO’s values, including anti-racism, environmentalism, and affordable housing. She wants to prioritize building affordable housing on city land, and supports cutting the police budget and making Ann Arbor a sanctuary city. It is time for a fresh voice for Ward 2, and it is clear that Linh Song is the best choice.

Ward 3: GEO members have voted to endorse Travis Radina for the Ward 3 race. Radina is committed to many of the values that GEO champions, particularly the concerns of renters. In particular, his stated support for a renters commission works towards addressing a key issue among our membership. He has a history of supporting GEO and has demonstrated significant connections to the labor movement.

Ward 4: GEO members have voted to endorse Jen Eyer for the Ward 4 race. Eyer supports City funding for affordable housing, rezoning, and expanded transportation options, as well as cuts to Ann Arbor’s police budget. Eyer also recently supported GEO by attending our rally outside of Schlissel’s mansion on June 25th.

Ward 5: GEO members have voted to endorse Dan Michniewicz for the Ward 5 race. Michniewicz, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, has aggressive positions in favour of rent control and defunding and dismantling the Ann Arbor police. He wants to make public transit fare free, increase population density, and build new public housing units.

GEO Stewards have also voted to adopt the Huron Valley Area Labor Federation’s county-wide endorsements (i.e. not including the state/national endorsements). HVALF’s county-wide endorsements importantly include Eli Savit for Washtenaw County prosecutor. Savit’s commitment to reforming the broken criminal justice system by focusing on rehabilitation and restorative justice make him the best candidate for the job. We encourage all GEO members to check out the Area Labor Federation’s endorsement page, where you can find their county, state, and national endorsements.


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