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Protesters marching in a circle on the left and a cop and cop car on the right

The Administration’s decision to pressure department chairs and non-instructional staff to submit hundreds of falsified grades for striking GSIs is coming under increased scrutiny. This week, the story was picked up The Detroit News, Fox 2, Detroit Metro Times, and Inside Higher Ed. Regent Paul Brown is now calling for an investigation into the fake grade scandal — though the form this investigation will take remains unclear. What is clear is that the pressure of our grade strike forced Admin to resort to mass academic fraud to try and withstand it. The Provost took a huge risk by ordering the mass fabrication of grades, a move that appears to be unprecedented in the history of academic labor disputes. Now it’s time for us hold them accountable (see below).

Protestors facing off against a single police officer

On Thursday, grad workers took a field trip to Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti to picket outside of a speech given by President Ono at a corporate networking event. Ono’s fee for virtual speaking engagements ranges from $10k-$20k — more than grad workers get paid for a whole semester of work. He likely charges an even higher fee for in- person engagements like these. Grads confronted Ono as he snuck into the venue through a loading dock amidst heavy police presence.

Grads Speak Out Against Falsified Grades

These testimonials were submitted by grads who have first-hand experience of grade falsification. Share your experience of fabricated grades at so we can keep the pressure on!


“My grades were entered without my consent. All my students received As. Even the one who was failing prior to the strike, and I was a high school teacher for ten years prior to this, where a failing student counted against the teacher and not the student… so trust me, I did everything possible to get him to come to class and turn his shit in.”

Michael, Mathematics

“Steven DeBacker (a math prof who doesn’t teach any of the math intro classes) entered grades and refused to respond to questions about how he determined them. I know at least one student got an unfairly low grade, and none of the students have been informed who entered their grade or what the full grading criteria were.”

Kathleen, American Culture

“Five AC GSIs teach in English; all of them had A’s submitted by the Dept Chair. In AC, the four instructor-led classes had faculty submit grades without GSI labor, but it is unclear how those grades were calculated – many assignments remained ungraded. So what do the grades represent?”

Do Your Part: Join the Fight Against #bullshitgrades

Grads are fighting back against bullshit grades in a number of ways: data collection effort by grad workers, faculty, staff; pushing Regents for an independent investigation; hearings by Michigan legislature; complaints with accreditation agencies; getting statements of censure from campus groups (e.g., SACUA, AAUP, CSG); calling for a national boycott of UM; and increasing national media attention. Go to to be part of one or more of these!

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